I walk a fine line on this topic because I don't want to violate my son's privacy. I only identify him as J., and I haven't identified my own last name, let alone his (as they differ), so I hope this episode of The Mary Dell Show respects both the wonderful person he is as well as others who have struggled with the devastating pathologic conditions of the mind.
And, because I do share this blog with a couple of closed Facebook groups I'm in (for hypersomnolence, etc.), I'll just say that J. is very lucid these days and has, until quite recently, had his issues very well controlled on his meds, and during that time has given me permission to write about his plight.
Of course, as biology has shown in recent years, particularly since the advent of the functional MRI (fMRI), "mental illness" is truly biological illness. And, as in any illness, psychological factors come into play as the condition manifests itself.
And, because I do share this blog with a couple of closed Facebook groups I'm in (for hypersomnolence, etc.), I'll just say that J. is very lucid these days and has, until quite recently, had his issues very well controlled on his meds, and during that time has given me permission to write about his plight.
Of course, as biology has shown in recent years, particularly since the advent of the functional MRI (fMRI), "mental illness" is truly biological illness. And, as in any illness, psychological factors come into play as the condition manifests itself.
Examples of functional MRI images of structural brain changes in schizophrenia from Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience at http://www.dialogues-cns.com/publication/understanding-structural-brain-changes-in-schizophrenia/ |