No doubt this episode will sound hyperchondriac-ish, a charge my son lodged against me not long ago—but that one had no merit, as what I described to him had been confirmed by medical tests. Hypochondria means:
“extreme depression of mind or spirits often centered on imaginary physical ailments" (Merriam-Webster Online).
“extreme depression of mind or spirits often centered on imaginary physical ailments" (Merriam-Webster Online).
When the conditions are real, and confirmed by lab tests of Western science (the only valid knowledge base on the planet, according to most people I know), the charge of hypochondria falls on its face. I'm one of those folks whose body is waging a war on itself--but I'm also one of those fortunate folks who tends toward optimism. I really want to hang around for a while, without being sick. Others seem to think I enjoy these weird health conditions, but au contraire, I miss the me who used to be full of energy and verve.