One of the original titles I thought of for my blog was "Anxiety and Me." And while I still have plenty to say on that subject, polycythemia is my current obsession.
But ... before I start talking about what I've learned since being diagnosed with too many red blood cells, also known as high hematocrit and high hemoglobin, primary or secondary erythremia, primary or secondary polycythemia or polycythaemia, absolute or relative polycthemia, polycythemia vera or vera rubra, or myeloproliferative disease, or Gaisböck's syndrome, or just plain old plethora (actually, these aren't all interchangeable, and I'm not sure yet which one is my particular lottery ticket)--I feel compelled to consider a more philosophical question.
Is it wrong for a person who has been diagnosed with a malignant condition to talk about said condition?